Saturday, September 25, 2010

When they say you are in LOVE ..........

When the adrenaline rushes through all nerves in your body the moment you see him / her…. then be assured that you have been recently gunned down without your knowledge. That’s when you feel the first breeze of romance, the first spell of LOVE.

Yes, LOVE , the larger than LIFE phenomena that touches you , me and everyone atleast once in a lifetime. LOVE is an eternal blessing, a divine gift. There can be nothing more peaceful than enjoying the feeling of LOVE. The feeling is not just wonderful but enchanting.

The spell of being beautiful and feeling the same is cast on you. You are guided by your emotions like they have dethroned you and taken charge of your SELF. You are lost in your daily familiar surroundings. There seems to be a famine of words when you wish to speak to him / her. A second’s wait seems to be longer than a decade just for a glimpse of him / her. Your enchanted self loiters in the lanes of romance.

Dare to get soaked in LOVE !

1 comment:

Ramblings said...

Leeza dear but the problem is how do u know it only adrenaline rush or real love... coz its the diff between love, crush and lust